Schedule meetings

Schedule meetings


You can choose to schedule a future meeting by carrying out the following steps:



  1. Select Schedule Meeting under the Meeting tab.

  2. Enter the title of the meeting.

  3. Set the date and time of the meeting, the duration, and the time zone.

  4. Add participants for the meeting and a co-host if required.

  5. The meeting will have a default password which you can change if required.

  6. You can choose to record the meeting if required.

  7. You can choose to add an agenda for the meeting.

  8. When you click more options, you can choose:

    1. To set a custom branding for the meeting.**

    2. To enable a waiting room* for the participants, where users can join the meeting only if they are admitted by the host.

    3. Who can view the meeting recordings.

    4. To mute participants upon entry.

    5. To enable/disable participants' videos.

    6. To allow participants to share their screens. 

  9. Once the Meeting has been scheduled, a meeting card with details will be posted in your direct chats with the participants who are Arattai users. As a host, you can see the RSVP status of the participants in the card and also from the meetings tab.

  10. Once you start the meeting, you can invite participants at this stage as well by either copying the meeting invitation/link and sharing it with users or adding your contacts directly using Add participants. 

  11. Tap  to invite participants, start recording the meeting, access meeting permissions, and the meeting details. 

*When the waiting room for participants has been enabled, the participants won't be able to enter the meeting. Participants will be in a virtual waiting room, and the host has to grant them permission manually. This is an additional layer of security for the meeting. 
**You can apply custom branding to your mobile app only if it has already been set up in the web app.


  1. Select Schedule under the Meeting tab.

  2. Enter the title of the meeting.

  3. Set the date and time of the meeting, the duration, and the time zone.

  4. Add participants for the meeting and co-hosts if required.

  5. The meeting will have a default password, which you can change if required.

  6. You can choose to record the meeting if required.

  7. You can choose to add an agenda for the meeting.

  8. When you click more options, you can choose:

      1. To set a group for discussions related to the meeting.

      2. To enable a waiting room* for the participants, where users can join the meeting only if they are admitted by the host.

      3. Who can view the meeting recordings.

      4. To mute participants upon entry.

      5. To enable/disable participants' videos.

      6. To allow participants to share their screens.

    Note: These permissions will be applicable only to this meeting. 

  9. Once the Meeting has been scheduled, a meeting card with details will be posted in your direct chats with the participants who are Arattai users. As a host, you can see the RSVP status of the participants on the card and also from the meetings tab.

  10. Once you start the meeting from the Meeting tab, you can invite participants at this stage as well by either copying the meeting invitation/link and sharing it with users or adding your contacts directly using add participants. 

  11. Tap  to access preferences. Here, again, you can enable the waiting room for the participants, choose who can view the meeting recording, mute participants upon entry, enable/disable participants' videos and allow participants to screen share. 



*When the waiting room for participants has been enabled, the participants won't be able to enter the meeting. Participants will be in a virtual waiting room, and the host has to grant them permission manually. This is an additional layer of security for the meeting. 
**You can apply custom branding in your mobile app only if it has already been set in the web app.


  1. Click on  in the chat list section, and select Schedule meeting.

  2. Enter the title of the meeting.

  3. You can choose to add an agenda for the meeting.

  4. Set the date and time of the meeting, the duration, and the time zone.

  5. Add participants for the meeting and co-hosts if required.

  6. The meeting will have a default password which you can change if required

  7. You can choose to:

    1. Set a group for discussions related to the meeting.

    2. Record the meeting.

    3. Enable a waiting room* for the participants, where users can join the meeting only if they are admitted by the host.

    4. Apply custom branding.

  8. When you click more options, you can choose to:

    1. Mute participants upon entry

    2. Allow participants to turn on video

    3. Allow participants to unmute

    4. Allow participants to share screens

Note: These permissions will be applicable only to this meeting.

  1. You can also add the meeting to your calendar by selecting the meeting from the meetings tab. 

  2. Once you start the meeting from the meeting section in the chat list, you can invite participants at this stage as well by either copying the meeting invitation/link and sharing it with users or adding your contacts directly using add participants.

  3. Click to:

    1. Share screen

    2. Record the meeting

    3. Invite participants

    4. View meeting details

    5. Access settings, where you can:

      1. Set backgrounds and video filters.

      2. Set   preferences like enabling waiting room for participants, muting participants upon entry, allowing participants to turn on video, and allowing participants to screen-share.


*Note : When the waiting room for participants has been enabled, the participants won't be able to enter the meeting. Participants will be in a virtual waiting room, and the host has to grant them permission manually. This is an additional layer of security for the meeting.

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